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Native American and Indigenous Peoples Collection

American Indian Correspondence: Presbyterian Historical Society Collection of Missionaries' Letters Icon

American Indian Correspondence: Presbyterian Historical Society Collection of Missionaries' Letters

The American Indian Correspondence is a collection of almost 14,000 letters written by those who served as Presbyterian missionaries to the American Indians during the years from 1833 to 1893.

The American Indian Correspondence is a collection of almost 14,000 letters written by those who served as Presbyterian missionaries to the American Indians during the years from 1833 to 1893.

Native North American People Icon

Native North American People

Bookshelf Collection featuring Native North American People.

Bookshelf Collection featuring Native North American People.

The American Indian Movement and Native American Radicalism Icon

The American Indian Movement and Native American Radicalism

FBI files that provide detailed information on the evolution of American Indian Movement as an organization of social protest and the development of Native American radicalism.

FBI files that provide detailed information on the evolution of American Indian Movement as an organization of social protest and the development of Native American radicalism.